Strategic Planning Guide
One App,
Many Uses
Strategic planning is the process of documenting and establishing a direction of your business by assessing both where you are now and where you’re going.
A Guide full of Strategic greatness, covering the model we recommend, structure, content and support options.

Why is Strategic Planning important?
A documented plan can provide a simple of view of what you want from your business and how to get there.
A place to record your mission, vision, and values, as well as your long-term goals lead by your action plan.
A well-written plan can play a pivotal role in your business’s success. It shows you how best to respond to opportunities and challenges.
Despite the benefits of having a strategic plan in place, a growing number of small business owners aren’t focusing on the long-term strategies of their businesses.
Therefore, here at Purple Yak we've created guides for you, to support your strategic planning, documentation and execution. If you're really serious about growth within your business, Strategic Planning is essential.

Summary Guide
Strategic planning is the process of documenting and establishing a direction of your business by assessing both where you are now and where you’re going.
12 pages of Strategic greatness! Covering the model we recommend, structure, content and support options.
Strategic Planning Summary Guide

Looking for more?
After popular demand we have created an extended version of the strategic planning document, going into 22 pages of in-depth content on how to create each element of the strategic plan.
We also have an option for you add 1 to 1 support when creating your plan.