Below are some key website basics you should be incorporating when designing your own site.
Quick, Clear & Concise
You need to show your potential customers why your business the one to address their need! Conveying your message within the first 30 seconds of a user clicking on your site is imperative.
Your Customer Commitment
Articulate what your customers should expect from the end result of what your product or service will give them or deliver. Make your commitment, keep it and watch your customers return.
Get personal
Whether you’re a solopreneur or a medium to large organisation you should be telling your customers why you started your business. Telling your story will build really connection has had the 10x the power of any advertising in the world.
Add real value
Valuable content offers customers your expertise and personality allowing them to see value in YOU! They can consume this through blogs, social media, infographics or videos of how and why the people behind your business do what they do.
Calls to Action
There should be elements of your website that call on your customers to take action. This could be signing up for your email list, scheduling a consultation or placing an order.
Tease Your Audience with an Opt-in
Offer your customers a compelling reason to give you their email address in exchange for what you’re offering. So, give them one. Offer a gift, a bonus something to sweeten the exchange.
How to Contact You
You should always present an email address and contact number for customers with business and order questions. You want to encourage customers to contact you so that you can continue contact and future engagements.