Let's try something a little different today...
I'm going to share some realisations with you that we've discovered on our own journey & the journeys of our clients.
Some of these will suck to hear, but that doesn't make them any less true.
I'd rather be punched with the truth than cuddled with a lie, so let's dive in.
#1: You’re probably relying on guesswork.
If you don't a system that allows you to predict what you're going to earn next month, you don't have a strategy - you are just guessing.
Posting in a few groups & speaking to a bunch of people isn't 'strategy'.
I know that's what a lot of people are teaching these days...
But if you don't know exactly how many leads you need to bring in, you're guessing.
If you don't know exactly how much it costs you to acquire a client, you're guessing.
And if you don't know the exact return you're able to get on £1, you're guessing.
Which brings us onto the next point...
#2: Real businesses advertise.
By all means, hustle your way to signing your first client or selling your first products.
But the simple fact is that real business have predictable systems that allow them to spend money to acquire customers.
If you're relying solely on organic methods, such as reaching out to people in other groups & constantly creating content...
You don't have a business - you have a job.
Because the moment you step away for a week or two, your income will grind to a halt.
#3: You don’t need to launch anything.
Forget about that 'launch' that you were planning on doing later in the year.
When you know how to bring people into your world & convert them into clients, you don't need to launch anything.
An evergreen client acquisition system is one of the best stress relievers known to man.
Forget launching - you can bring clients in daily with the right system in place.
All year round.
#4: Learning to sell is a requirement for success.
If you don't learn how to sell, you'll probably never be wealthy.
Or at least not for a few decades.
Warren Buffet publicly stated that if he had to start again with one skill, it would be the ability to sell.
Not the ability to read stock charts or time the market...
The ability to SELL.
#5: You can’t automate everything.
I hear a lot of people saying:
"I just want something automated..."
I hate to break it to ya'...
But the days of automating everything are behind us.
When you try to automate everything, you have nowhere near as much influence as you do when speaking directly with someone.
If you want to automate your whole process & someone else is willing to speak to people...
They're going to wipe the floor with you.
#6: Stop selling to cold prospects.
Please, stop reaching out to strangers.
There is a journey that has to take place before someone will be ready to buy from you.
They have to know who you are...
Know what you're about...
See some of your content...
Begin to like you...
Then to trust you...
And then MAYBE they'll be ready to buy.
But when you slide into some stranger's inbox?
Believe me, they don't trust you.
And when people don't trust you, they're not going to pay you.
#7: Every market has high-ticket buyers.
It's not that your market 'doesn't pay high-ticket'...
It's that either your offer isn't enticing or valuable enough...
...or that you don't know how to sell.
(See point #4.)
There are people in every single market who are willing to pay thousands to get their problem solved.
You just need to give them the right solution.
#8: Be careful who you work with.
The online space is so shady these days, it's unreal.
The VAST majority of people teaching 'how to make £10k/month' are not making £10k/month.
People who don't know how to get clients for their business have no business teaching people how to get clients.
Just had to chuck that one in there...
#9: Stop procrastinating.
If you've been in the 'planning phase' for longer than a month, you're not planning - you're procrastinating.
You can do your market research in a few days.
You can plan your offer in a few days.
By that point, you're ready to start actually making money.
It doesn't take 3 months to plan your business.
Our current business went from 'idea' to £40,000/month in about 4-5 weeks.
Was it perfect?
But DONE is better than perfect.
#10: Don’t wait until tomorrow.
This ties into the previous point...
If you lack a sense of urgency, the seeds of greatness are not in you.
When I speak to someone who wants to begin getting results right now, I'm often confident that the person is going to achieve their goals.
The inverse is also true.
When someone wants to start their business 'next year' or some bullshit like that, I know the person is going to fail.
Not because it's impossible to start a business next year, but because that lack of urgency will still be part of their character a year from now.
Life goes by fast - you really don't have that much time.
While you're waiting a year to get your business started, somebody else with a sense of urgency has collected a million bucks that could've been in your bank account.
Hopefully, they can be of value to you.
To your success.