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Where Business Owners Come To Launch And Scale Their Businesses

Our 3-programmes have you covered from starting your business to scaling it well over £1m in annual revenue. These programmes have been responsible for over £30m in additional revenue for our clients

We help Entrepreneurs to scale their Business to £50,000/month+ with less stress, more profit and a greater impact. 

Here's how we can help you...

Start-up Accelerator

The programme will take you through your first month of action and offers an additional month of support for free.

Business Growth Club

Using our experience we've created a growth system specifically for small businesses owners.

The Business Academy

This is for seasoned business owners who are looking at take your business to annual revenues of £1m+



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Starting a business can be daunting but you're in safe hands

We've carefully crafted a start-up accelerator programme for budding business owners, just like you, with aspirations just like yours. 

The programme will take you through your first month of action and offers a further month of support absolutely free.

Image by bruce mars

Our PROMISE in the Business Growth Club is simple.

To help business owners, like you, grow their business sustainably whilst creating financial and time freedom.

Using our experience we've created a growth system specifically for small businesses owners, people just like you, with aspirations just like yours.

Image by charlesdeluvio

The MISSION in The Business Academy is simple.

To give business owners access to the education and business mentoring to create a life of freedom through building and scaling their dream business.

Designed for established business owners looking to take their business well over £1m mark.

Image by Redd Francisco

What our clients say


This is my third programme with Mick and the team at Purple Yak and it has been absolutely mind blowing. I began the journey as a new startup, they have helped me a lot with everything that I needed to take my business to the next level, I then moved into their business growth club where we’ve taken my business to over £500k annual revenue. I’m now part of their business academy which is blowing my mind and helping me on my journey to grow the business to over a £1m. Lovely people and they genuinely wanted to help you succeed. Best investment ever, definitely worth every penny 👍

- Janie McWee, Basket Case Designs



"A field full of Brown Cow's is boring. A Purple Cow violates the viewers expectations, which attracts attention & interest."

Seth Godin

Purple Yak

Over 10 years of providing strategies, training & coaching programs to help others grow.

What started out as a little idea in my head back in 2014 has grown to an Entrepreneur Coaching business, which helps businesses grow to 7 figures and beyond.

Our focus is simple: to help like minded business owners grow their business to support the life they want to live.

We created Purple Yak to be different in the business coaching space.

  • we offer clients risk free advice regardless of whether they're a paying client or not

  • provide immense value to clients compared to their investment in our coaching services

Check out our latest books on Amazon

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Pricing What You Offer

Your prices can influence the number of sales you make and the profit you earn on each transaction.

As the old adage goes, everything has a price.

In this guide, we explain the pricing strategies you can use as a small business owner. Learn how to calculate the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and the impact of inventory levels on pricing, and discover your route to fair and feel-good pricing.

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Finding Your

Entrepreneurs generally take one of two paths when determining who they want their business to cater to: the mass market or a niche market. Whichever option you choose will depend on factors like your offering's appeal, its utility, your experience, and personal bandwidth constraints.

Our newest book walks you through how to find your niche and then how to market to that them to maximise sales and grow your business.



Image by Brooke Cagle
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